

Recent publications

Germany and Europe Can Boost Security by Reforming Capital Markets

Poorly developed capital markets in Germany and across the European Union (EU) hurt European security. Reforming them can foster economic dynamism, reduce harmful dependencies, and enhance Europe’s military edge. If German and EU politicians took a strategic view, they would clearly see the need to overcome fragmentation in the financial sector, increase risk appetite, incentivize private investment in innovation, and optimize regulation to meet economic and security needs. 

Julian Stöckle
Policy Brief


Past events

18:00 - 19:00 | 26 Oct 2020

Protektionismus und Härte

Worauf sich Deutschland und Europa nach der US-Wahl einstellen müssen
Think Tank Veranstaltung
19:00 - 20:00 | 20 Oct 2020

Europa in Zeiten von Corona

Eine Zwischenbilanz zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2020
DGAP Regionalforum Baden-Württemberg
Web Talk
11:00 - 12:30 | 07 Oct 2020

Project Presidency

A Player, Not a Playing Field: Refining the EU’s China Policy
Think Tank Event
Web Talk
10:00 - 12:00 | 01 Oct 2020

"Games for Impact"

Videospiele für die politische Kommunikation nutzen
Think Tank Veranstaltung
Web Talk
14:30 - 16:00 | 09 Sep 2020

Project Presidency

Perspectives for the EU-UK Relationship After 2020
Think Tank Event
Web Talk

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