

Recent publications

EU Trade Policy Must Focus on Market Openness and New Partnerships

Trade is the most important pillar of the EU’s dealings with third countries. To maintain this, the EU must refocus its trade policy on openness and partnerships. The new Commission needs to engage on all outstanding FTAs and consider pragmatic mini deals. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the EU needs to keep the United States as a partner and offer it potential opportunities. On a multilateral level, the WTO should be kept alive, focusing on trust building while advancing plurilateral deals. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker

EU Crisis Management

Matching Ends and Needs in the Future
Dr. Christian Mölling
Torben Schütz

In the media


Past events

18:00 - 22:00 | 06 May 2012

France Elects a New President

François Hollande defeats incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy

France has elected a new president. Socialist François Hollande defeated incumbent President Sarkozy in a run-off election on Sunday. He is the first socialist since François Mitterrand to take the highest office of the French Republic. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle praised Hollande’s victory as an “historical event.”

Program Event
18:00 - 19:30 | 02 May 2012

Demokratie ohne Konsens

Wohin steuert Viktor Orbán Ungarn?

Halbzeit in Budapest. Vor zwei Jahren übernahm Viktor Orbán, gestützt auf eine Zweidrittelmehrheit seiner Fidesz-Partei, die Regierungsgeschäfte. Was sind seine Ziele? Wie sieht die Zwischenbilanz aus? Über Ungarns Politikkurs und die Perspektiven des Landes diskutierten Ágoston Sámuel Mráz, Direktor des ungarischen Think Tanks Nézőpont-Institut, und Daniel Hegedűs, politischer Analyst und Assistenzprofessor an der Budapester Eötvös Loránd Universität, in der DGAP.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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