

Recent publications

Die Anti-Macrons

Frankreichs Rechtsaußen und ihre Vision der EU

In Frankreich kündigt sich bei der Europawahl ein großer Erfolg der Rechtsaußen-Partei Rassemblement National (RN) an. Während Emmanuel Macron seit 2017 für EU-Souveränität wirbt, fordern das RN und eine zweite Rechtsaußen-Partei, Reconquête (R!), Souveränität auf die nationale Ebene zurückzuholen. Der Europawahlkampf bietet Einblicke in die Visionen und Feindbilder der französischen Rechtspopulisten. Die Bundesregierung sollte diese analysieren und sich entsprechend vorbereiten. Denn für eine Kooperation mit dem Pro-Europäer Macron bleiben nur noch drei Jahre.  

Jacob Ross
Nicolas Téterchen
Policy Brief


Past events

08:30 - 10:00 | 15 Nov 2012

Georgia on the Way to the Western Community of Values

Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze speaks at the DGAP on the new Georgian government’s foreign policy agenda

Only three weeks after taking office—and before meeting with the German foreign minister—Maia Panjikidze came to an expert talk at the DGAP to clarify the new government in Tbilisi’s foreign policy priorities. Her most important message: Georgia seeks a connection to the EU and NATO and hopes for reconciliation with Russia. However, the re-opening of diplomatic relations with Russia will remain impossible as long as Russia continues to occupy Georgian territory.

Council Event
11:00 - 12:30 | 08 Nov 2012

Kleines Land in der großen Welt

Aktuelle Leitlinien der tschechischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik - Sitzung des Gesprächskreises Tschechien

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:00 - 21:30 | 08 Nov 2012

International Diplomats Programme

Excursion in Berlin: Tracing the past in the present

In what way is the past significant for the present? What is Germany’s remembrance culture? What are the tasks of the Federal Commissioner for the Files of the State Security Service of the former GDR? What role do Germany’s political foundations play at home and abroad? Participants in the 4th International Diplomats Programme explored these and other questions at their program day in Berlin on November 8, 2012.

Program Event
17:30 - 19:00 | 31 Oct 2012

Quo vadis Russland?

Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und strategische Orientierung in Russland in der dritten Amtszeit Putins
DGAP Regionalforum NRW
09:00 | 22 - 23 Oct 2012

Moldova Leads the Way in the Eastern Partnership

The second EU-Moldova Forum at the DGAP featured members of government and EU Commissar Stefan Füle

EU Commisar Stefan Füle calls Moldova “the Eastern Partnership’s most dependable model student.” The challenges and progress made during the transformation process in Moldova – which has drawn closer to the EU – were at the center of the second EU-Moldova Forum. In addition to high-ranking experts from politics, business, and academia, the discussion also included Moldovan Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca, Justice Minister Oleg Efrin, and Economics Minister Valeriu Lazar.

Think Tank Event

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