

Recent publications

Prohibited Force

The Meaning of ‘Use of Force' in International Law

Prohibited ‘use of force’ under article () of the UN Charter and customary international law has until now not been clearly defined, despite its central importance in the international legal order and for international peace and security. This book accordingly offers an original framework to identify prohibited uses of force, including those that use emerging technology or take place in newer military domains such as outer space. 

Dr. Erin Pobjie
Externe Publikationen

Europe’s Multiple Futures

Four Futurescapes for Europe’s Geopolitical Positioning in 2030
Tim Bosch
Dr. Katja Muñoz
Jacob Ross
et al.

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Past events

18:30 - 20:00 | 20 Sep 2021

Smarte Souveränität

Wie die neue Bundesregierung ihre Handlungsfähigkeit stärken und Gestaltungsspielräume zurückgewinnen kann.
Think Tank Veranstaltung

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