The Americas


Recent publications

Eine Europäisierung der NATO ist unabdingbar

Was Berlin hierfür tun muss

Die europäische Sicherheitsordnung ist durch Russlands Neo-Imperialismus, Chinas Machtstreben und schwindende US-Sicherheitsgarantien gefährdet. Wollen Deutschland und Europa, dass die NATO an der Seite der USA ein starker Akteur bleibt, sollten sie Folgendes tun: aufhören, sich über Washington zu beschweren, und darauf hinwirken, die Allianz zu europäisieren. Neben der deutlichen Erhöhung des Verteidigungsbudgets ist dieser Schritt durch die Ankurbelung der Rüstungsindustrie und militärische Integration NATO-Europas möglich.

Dr. Aylin Matlé
Rachel Tausendfreund

In the media


Past events

12:30 - 14:00 | 18 Jun 2013

Making the Alliance work

Converging security interests between Canada and Europe - Transatlantic Roundtable

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
18:00 - 19:30 | 07 Feb 2013

A Hundred Days after the Election: Where is the US Heading?

A Discussion of American Foreign and Security Policy

Six months ago Barack Obama won his second bid for the White House. In light of ongoing economic problems, however, it is unclear whether American foreign and security policy will stay on the same course. Susan McManus, professor at the University of Southern Florida joined Josef Braml, resident fellow and US expert at the DGAP’s Transatlantic Relations Program, for a discussion moderated by Thomas Gutschker, political editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS).

Young DGAP Event
Frankfurt a.M.
08:30 - 10:00 | 07 Nov 2012

Obama’s Next Steps

DGAP experts analyze the election, the situation in the US, and its effects on the transatlantic relationship

Barack Obama received a clear mandate for his second term, although he will once again be confronted with a Republican-dominated House of Representatives. “Obama’s clear victory cannot allow us to forget how deeply divided the United States is,” said Josef Braml. This division and the country’s economic problems will greatly constrict the government’s capacity to act. Josef Braml, Claudia Schmucker, and Eberhard Sandschneider assessed the results of the election and discussed its consequences with guests at the DGAP.

Program Event
Early Bird Breakfast

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