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Russia and the Case of Syria

In the diplomatic struggle around the civil war, Moscow has brought itself back into play on the international stage

Russia and the US have jointly passed a UN resolution on Syria demanding that Damascus eliminate its chemical weapons. The text they adopted contains no threat of force. With it, the Kremlin has managed to underline its role in the Middle East, to strengthen the UN Security Council, and to negotiate on an equal footing with the US. Ewald Böhlke comments here on Russia’s position in international law, the country’s plans in Syria, and the sharpening of Moscow’s profile as a stabilizing power.

Dr. Ewald Böhlke

Russland und die Causa Syrien

In dem diplomatischen Ringen um das Bürgerkriegsland hat sich Moskau international wieder ins Spiel gebracht

Dr. Ewald Böhlke

DGAP Yearbook, Volume 28

Peacekeeping: Security and Development in Areas of Limited Statehood (“Einsatz für den Frieden”)

Dr. Josef Braml
Thomas Risse
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Sandschneider