DGAP’s Morning Briefing on Geopolitical Challenges 

This Week’s Topic: The Russia-Belarus Puzzle in the War against Ukraine 
19 Januar 2023
Ort der Veranstaltung


Visual DGAP Morning Briefing 2



András Rácz, Senior Fellow, International Order and Democracy Program, DGAP 

Maryna Rakhlei, Senior Program Officer, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Berlin Office

Alena Kudzko, Vice President for Policy and Programming, GLOBSEC 


Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Internationale Politik Quarterly, DGAP 

Every Thursday morning at 8:30, DGAP invites experts and high-level guests to discuss the latest developments in geopolitics. This week, we will focus on the role of Belarus in the Russian war against Ukraine. The country’s role in the war, as well as the ongoing brutal repression of dissidents at home, has been recently overlooked. In the beginning, we will provide a brief update on the most recent military situation in Ukraine before discussing how the latest developments in the Russo-Belarusian relationship will affect the war in Ukraine, and what Western leaders can do in response.