
15. Apr. 2015

Dichotomies in Franco-Russian Relations (Dualitäten der französischen Russlandpolitik)

The Ukraine crisis is putting a flourishing business relationship to the test

For France, the worsening state of Russia’s relations with the EU corresponds with bilateral relations that have deteriorated since 2011, when a rift began to open on the subject of Syria. The Ukrainian crisis brought an abrupt end to once-flourishing business relations. Decisions in Paris now depend on two parameters: how the crisis in Ukraine develops further and how this will effect EU-level decisions. The analysis is available in German and French.



The French version of Laure Duclour's text ("Les dilemmes de la politique russe de la France. Une relation à l’épreuve de la crise en Ukraine") is available as a download below.

Bibliografische Angaben

Delcour, Laure. “Dichotomies in Franco-Russian Relations (Dualitäten der französischen Russlandpolitik).” April 2015.

DGAPanalyse 4 (March 2015), 11 pp. In German.

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