The European Election and the Dangers of Political Polarization

DGAP's Morning Briefing
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This episode, the panel focuses on the European Parliament elections, held from June 6 to 9. Recent violent attacks on politicians across Europe during the campaign have raised concerns about the effects of political polarization on our democratic systems. The latest polls suggest a rightward shift in the new Parliament, but there are many open questions, especially about the projected gains of far-right parties, and their ability to join forces when parliamentary groups are formed. We also discuss prospects for a new parliamentary majority, implications for the formation of the next European Commission and its political priorities.

Stanley Pignal, Brussels Bureau Chief and Charlemagne Columnist, The Economist
Christine Reh, Professor of European Politics, Hertie School, Berlin
Milan Nič, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, DGAP

Jan Stöckmann, Head of the Director’s Office, DGAP

For more analysis on the European Election, take a look at the Spring Issue of Internationale Politik Quarterly, and our collection of brief analyses by our DGAP experts Priorities for the Next EU Commission





