How Can Europe Gain Strategic Autonomy vis-à-vis China

Digital Power China
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China’s rapid emergence as a technical power creates new economic, political, security, and ideational challenges for Europe. Meeting them requires greater knowledge of China’s digital ambitions and their impact, as well as questioning long-held beliefs on how digital economies develop and how states and technologies interact. This podcast episode by the research consortium, hosted by DGAP research fellow Tim Rühlig, offers analysis and recommendations for recalibrating EU policy in light of China’s growing technological footprint.

For this episode, Tim discusses some of the main findings from the new report "Europe's Strategic Technology Autonomy from China":

They unpack the four dimensions of strategic autonomy:

  • Global supply chain resilience
  • National security
  • Values
  • Technological competitiveness

In this episode, the experts also speak about the challenges of a rising Chinese chip design ecosystem, how Europe and China advance towards 6G, and potential challenges to European strategic autonomy in blockchain.


  • Tim Rühlig, Research Fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations
  • Rogier Creemers, university lecturer in politics and governance of modern China at Leiden University, the Netherlands
  • Jan-Peter Kleinhans, Head of Technology and Geopolitics at Stiftung Neue Verantwor-tung e.V. in Berlin
  • Liesbet van der Perre, Professor in the DRAMCO lab of the Electrical Engineering Department of the KU Leuven in Belgium

Videoproduction: framekollektiv
