From Europolitanism towards an inclusive European identity

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Diplomats of Color and the Young German Council on Foreign Relations are hosting the monthly speaker series “Imagining a Foreign Policy with Equity at its Core: Rethinking Foreign Policy”. Our aim is to offer a forum in which diverse actors in foreign and security policy discuss young and innovative concepts for a new foreign policy. By engaging in dialogue with the next generation of foreign policy actors we hope to advance the debate on creating a more inclusive and equitable foreign policy.

On June 8th, 6:30 pm – 08:00 pm CET, we have discussed minority and BIPoC perspectives on Europe and its future: What role do BIPoC and other minorities play in our collective European self-conception?

What are their expectations towards the future of Europe? Are European liberal values sufficient when it comes to the fight against racism and other forms of discrimination? If not, what needs to be done on the European level to improve equity and inclusion?

Katarina Barley - Member of the European Parliament
Hans Kundnani - Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House
Evein Obulor - Coordinator at the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism

The event was be moderated by Mehreen Khan, EU Correspondent for the Financial Times.