

Aktuelle Publikationen

Strengthening Climate Foreign Policy at the European Level

While the EU is a leader on global climate action, it regularly proves to lack the strategic cohesion needed to quickly meet emerging geopolitical challenges. Taking steps to formalize a European climate foreign policy and improve coordination among the European External Action Service (EEAS), Commission, and member states could help address this deficit and allow the EU to advance ambitious climate standards globally while preserving its strategic interests.

Loyle Campbell
Dr. Kira Vinke
Anna Sperber

Who’s Afraid of (Ukraine’s) Victory?

For Germany’s chancellor, victory seems to be the hardest word. This reluctance appears driven by fears of geopolitical change, which he seems hesitant to shape, let alone master, and by drawing the wrong lessons from German history.

Dr. Benjamin Tallis
Julian Stöckle

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Juni 2017

Problem Solved?

How to Tackle the Refugee Crisis and Migration to the EU

Why is it so difficult for Europeans to agree on how to solve the refugee crisis and the problem of migration in general? What can they do to address the root causes? What shape should a European solution take?

Council Event
09:00 | 07 - 08 Juni 2017

GERNORSEC II: The German-Norwegian Security Dialogue

Berlin Meeting June 7–8, 2017

The DGAP and the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, together with the German and Norwegian ministries of defense, convened in Berlin for the second German-Norwegian Security Dialogue (GERNORSEC). The seminar format was launched in Oslo in November 2016.

Think Tank Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 01 Juni 2017

Neue Ostpolitik – entspannen, eindämmen, abschrecken?

Anlässlich der Vorstellung des Friedensgutachtens 2017 in der DGAP diskutierten Vertreter deutscher Friedensforschungsinstitute mit Gernot Erler, dem Russland-Beauftragten der Bundesregierung, über die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Russland- und Osteuropapolitik. Dr. Stefan Meister (DGAP) und Dr. Bruno Schoch (HSFK) moderierten das Gespräch. Sie können die Keynote von Gernot Erler hier im Wortlaut nachlesen. Die Hauptdiskussion stellen wir Ihnen als Audiodatei zum Nachhören weiter unten im Beitrag zur Verfügung.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:30 - 16:30 | 31 Mai 2017

Fehlende Verantwortung der Eliten

Chatham House-DGAP-Konferenz zu den Ländern der Östliche Partnerschaft und Russland

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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