

Aktuelle Publikationen

Migrating, Adapting in Place or Missing Options? A Systematic Review of Climate Change-Migration Links in Peru

Peru provides an illuminating case for examining the links between climate change and migration. Settled in a wide range of contrasting climatic, topographic and vegetation zones, its population is exposed to diverse hazards projected to intensify under climate change. Through a systematic review of 59 studies, the authors identify how climatic pressures influence different forms of migration across Peru’s varied landscapes. It finds that hydrometeorological hazards in particular-resulting in water scarcity or water excess-can erode livelihoods and place satisfaction and thereby drive internal migration, disaster displacement and planned relocation in the country.

Jonas Bergmann
Pablo Escribano
Dr. Kira Vinke
External Publications

The AI Election Year

How to Counter the Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Katja Muñoz

Toward a Sustainable Global Economy

The Potential and Limits of a Climate Club and other Plurilateral Initiatives
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
External Publications


In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

18:00 - 19:00 | 26 Okt. 2020

Protektionismus und Härte

Worauf sich Deutschland und Europa nach der US-Wahl einstellen müssen
Think Tank Veranstaltung

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