German Council on Foreign Relations

Climate Change is Affecting Geopolitics – Not Just the Other Way Around

Climate change affects relations between states and geopolitics. Until now, attention has predominantly been on the geopolitics of decarbonization – the shifting energy supply, new resource dependencies and mitigation finance. But there must be an equal focus on how climate change costs and damages are shifting geopolitics – arising in connection with economic decline, uninhabitability and uneven impact distribution. 


Tim Bosch
Dr. Fanny Thornton
Dr. Kira Vinke

How to Deal with a Bully


The different camps within Europe will need to come together and find ways to come to terms with Donald Trump in the White House.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff
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A Touch of Trumpism Reaches Germany’s Election Campaign


Elon Musk has been trolling Germany’s parliamentary election campaign during the holidays. His AI-supported interventions are unlikely to have much effect, but they remind the country that it needs new ideas—which so far are lacking.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
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How Europe Should Deal with Trump’s Oligarch-in-Chief


As Donald Trump takes office again, tech billionaire Elon Musk will go from speaking for six companies to speaking for a $27 trillion economy. In response, Europe needs to concentrate on accumulating tech power.

Dr. Valentin Weber
Quarterly Concerns
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Große Pläne, klamme Kassen: Europa in der Ära Trump


Ukraine, Nahost, China, Trump: „Europa ist just in dem Moment pleite, in dem es vor seiner größten sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderung seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs steht“, schreibt Jan Techau. Was jetzt zu tun ist und wie ein dringend benötigter Politikwechsel aussehen könnte: Über diese und andere Fragen diskutieren wir mit Jan Techau.

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