German Council on Foreign Relations

Paths to the Future: Perspectives on Foreign Policy

On the 90th Birthday of Karl Kaiser

Karl Kaiser, one of the most influential figures in the history of DGAP, celebrated his 90th birthday on December 8. As its long-standing director, he transformed DGAP into Germany's leading think tank on foreign policy, leaving a profound legacy through his interdisciplinary approach to policy development. This Festschrift provides scholarly insights and strategic approaches to addressing contemporary foreign policy challenges. Download now!

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff
Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
et al.

The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

What Role Now for the EU in the South Caucasus after Nagorno-Karabakh?
Dr. Stefan Meister
Laure Delcour
Policy Brief

Squaring the Circle

Germany has strongly sided with Israel in the aftermath of the brutal attack by Hamas, and for good reasons. However, this poses questions for German foreign policy that will be difficult to address.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

Europe’s Multiple Futures

Four Futurescapes for Europe’s Geopolitical Positioning in 2030
Tim Bosch
Dr. Katja Muñoz
Jacob Ross
et al.

A Franco-German Grand Bargain on Energy Policy

European energy ministers will meet on October 17 to try and make progress on critical energy legislation. France and Germany are deeply skeptical about each other’s energy strategy. But finding a compromise is now urgently required to finally unlock the EU-wide energy transition.

Shahin Vallée
Creation date

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DGAP-Präsident Thomas Enders zu Gast bei Theo Koll

Interivew in "phoenix persönlich"

In der Sendung „phoenix persönlich“ spricht Theo Koll mit Thomas Enders, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, über die Frage, was von einer zweiten Amtszeit Donald Trumps zu erwarten ist, wie gut Deutschland darauf vorbereitet ist und welche Herausforderungen auf Europa zukommen.

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