Areas of Expertise

  • Migration, asylum, and refugee issues
  • EU migration and asylum policy
  • Return and reintegration
  • EU-Turkey relations


German, English, French, Spanish

Mona Lou Günnewig worked as a program officer in DGAP’s migration program until July 2020. She had been contributing to the implementation of the Migration Messenger, a research and network project funded by Stiftung Mercator.

Previously, she worked for the Turkey Unit of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations in Brussels, focusing on Turkey’s EU accession process and EU-Turkey cooperation in the area of migration. Prior to that, Günnewig investigated asymmetries in European migration and asylum policy as a research assistant at the office of European studies of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).

Günnewig holds a master’s degree in European studies from the European University Viadrina. During her master’s program, she studied at Galatasaray University in Istanbul and completed a master’s thesis on the EU-Turkey Statement of March 18, 2016. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in French studies from the Freie Universität Berlin and the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.


Mona Lou Günnewig




Sieben Thesen auf dem Prüfstand

Sind Abschiebungen rechtsstaatlich notwendige Instrumente oder Maßnahmen, die der Willkür Tür und Tor öffnen? Schickt Deutschland zu viele Menschen zurück oder zu wenige? Und wie funktioniert die Kooperation mit den Herkunftsländern? Die Debatte um Rückkehr und Reintegration erhitzt die Gemüter in Deutschland und Europa. Ein Versuch, Nüchternheit in die Diskussion zu bringen.

Victoria Rietig
Mona Lou Günnewig
Creation date

In the media