The Robert Bosch Center was a DGAP program that offered applied and independent research, expert seminars, and policy-oriented publications on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia from January 2017 to February 2021. It served as an important platform for debate about the target region for those working in the areas of policy, business, academia, and civil society.
The price of success, the benefit of setbacks:
Alternative futures of EU-Ukraine relations
How Should Ukraine Approach Germany under New-Old Coalition?
Policy Memo to the Ukrainian Stakeholders
These von „einem Volk“
In seinen Reden zeigt Putin, was er von der Unabhängigkeit der Nachbarländer hält
Orbán Reloaded
What the EU and Germany Should Do Now
In der Eskalationsspirale
Russland und der Westen nach der Wahl
In the media
Past events
Die russischen Duma-Wahlen
Eine DGAP-Podiumsdiskussion zum Nachhören
Visa Liberalization for Ukraine:
Risks and Opportunities
Russlands verdeckter Krieg
The Human Factor
A conference on demographic change and political economy in the Russian Federation
Flüchtlingspolitik in Tschechien
Die Gefahr der Instrumentalisierung
How Should the West Deal with Russia?
Book presentation by the DGAP's Robert Bosch Center and SAIS’s Center for Transatlantic Relations