Visa Liberalization for Ukraine:

Risks and Opportunities

08 July 2016
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


Early Bird Breakfast by the German Council on Foreign Relations, the International Renaissance Foundation, Europe without Barriers, and the civic platform Reanimation Package of Reforms.

In April the European Commission submitted a proposal to abolish visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens planning short-term travel to the Schengen area. While in recent discussions the Ukrainian visa question has been linked to negotiations with Turkey, the European Council has postponed the decision on the Ukrainian case. A group of Ukrainian civil society experts will discuss how visa liberalisation is perceived in Ukraine and analyse the political risks of having the process delayed. How important is visa liberalization to supporting the reform process? Will there be a setback in the reform dynamic if visa-free travel is achieved? Does a visa-free Ukraine imply migration and security risks for Germany and the EU?


Iryna Sushko
Europe without Barriers (EWB)

Anastasia Krasnosilska
Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC)

Alexandra Stiglmayer
European Stability Initiative (ESI), Brussels


Wilfried Jilge
Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, DGAP


Early Bird Breakfast
Program Event