Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia

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The Robert Bosch Center was a DGAP program that offered applied and independent research, expert seminars, and policy-oriented publications on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia from January 2017 to February 2021. It served as an important platform for debate about the target region for those working in the areas of policy, business, academia, and civil society.



Projecting Power

Russia seeks to recapture its imperial past by exploiting former Soviet countries

Dr. Stefan Meister
External Publications

Is Ukraine Losing Its Way?

Judy Dempsey asks Stefan Meister and other experts about the current situation in Ukraine

Dr. Stefan Meister
External Publications

Detour d’Europe

What the French president’s recent visit to Central and Eastern Europe reveals about his EU reform agenda.

Milan Nič
External Publications

In the media


Past events

18:30 - 20:00 | 18 Sep 2015

Schwieriger Partner Ungarn?

Die Kontroverse über den „Ungarn-Bericht“ der DGAP

Der DGAP-Bericht „Ungarn in den Medien 2010-2014: Kritische
Reflexionen über die Presseberichterstattung“ führte in Deutschland wie
Ungarn zu kontroversen Reaktionen. In einer Podiumsdiskussion setzte die DGAP die Debatte nun fort: In welcher Wechselwirkung steht die deutsche Berichterstattung zu Ungarn mit der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung? Wie stark müssen durch die Medien geformte Wahrnehmungsmuster hinterfragt werden? Und wie sollte mit Ungarn und seiner Regierung politisch umgegangen werden?

Think Tank Veranstaltung
13:00 - 14:30 | 09 Jul 2015

Russian networks

How do Russian networks function and how do they influence the relationship between Russia and its neighbors?

The Russian political and economic system is shaped by informal rules and personal ties and driven by corruption as an integral part of the system rather than an exception. What kind of strategies have Russian elites developed to export these rules to the European Union and how do they influence politics in former post-Soviet countries like Ukraine? Is Russia successful in influencing Western policies and public opinion through informal networks and the media?

Think Tank Event
13:00 - 17:00 | 07 Jul 2015

Europe’s Energy Security and Russian Gas Supplies

Prospects for Building an Energy Union and the Sanctions against Russia Dominate Discussions about the EU’s Energy Security

While political and public concerns about the reliability of Russian gas supplies have been driving the debate about the EU’s energy security for several years, the conflict in Ukraine and the European Commission’s proposal to establish an energy union have furthered it significantly. In order to discuss the latest developments, the DGAP and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom invited a panel of experts to assess the EU’s current energy security prospects.

Think Tank Event
15:00 - 18:00 | 03 Jul 2015

Die Zukunft der deutsch-kasachischen Beziehungen

Nachhaltige Politik und Wirtschaft

Im Rahmen des Berliner Eurasischen Klubs veranstaltete das Robert Bosch-Zentrum der DGAP in Zusammenarbeit mit der kasachischen Botschaft eine internationale Konferenz zur Zukunft der deutsch-kasachischen Beziehungen. Rund 50 Teilnehmer aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft diskutierten Perspektiven der bilateralen Beziehungen angesichts von politischen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Herausforderungen.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
16:00 - 18:00 | 26 Jun 2015

Ungarn in den Medien 2010-2014

Kritische Reflexionen über die Presseberichterstattung

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

Further programs