Middle East and North Africa Program

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Since the uprisings of 2011, the Middle East and North Africa have been in upheaval. With few exceptions, developments have been alarming. A wave of violence – which, even for this strife-prone region, has been unprecedented – as well as intra-societal, interstate, and regional conflicts continue to destabilize the region with direct consequences for Europe. Keeping apace with the dynamics of events there requires continual analysis and debate. This is the only way to further develop impactful local, German, and European policies for dealing with these challenges.

This is where the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa Program comes in. Its workshops, background discussions, and publications aim to break down complexities, generate knowledge, develop solutions, and create understanding for the interests and needs of countries both in the region and abroad. This approach results in recommendations for meaningful courses of action for key players in Germany and Europe, as well as those in the Middle East and North Africa. To achieve its goals, the program works closely with experts and opinion leaders from all countries concerned. The program’s alumni network is comprised of some 500 experts from the region.

Since 2017, the program has supported think tanks and similar institutions in Morocco, Tunisia, and Jordan to help them professionalize their work and build their capacity for providing policy analysis and advice.

From 2011 to 2016, the program’s work focused on topics related to Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Turkey. It examined both domestic political developments and regional dynamics that affected these countries, as well the quality and impact of European and international policy concerning them.

From 2014 to 2019, the program had a research project on the involvement of the Gulf States in Egypt and Tunisia and the political and economic implications of this support.



Israel am Scheideweg

In Netanjahus neuer Regierungszeit stehen Israels innere Demokratie und die Zwei-Staatenlösung auf dem Spiel
Kerstin Müller

In the media


Past events

09:00 | 12 - 15 Jul 2017

Tunisia’s Rocky Road to Stability (Workshop I)

Security Sector Reform, (De-)Radicalization and Socio-Economic Development – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

Despite the progress Tunisia has made in the past years, corruption and the high frequency of changes in government have hampered socio-economic development and political reform. These grievances have led to a growing disenfranchisement with the political process, particularly among the youth. Radical groups have been gaining a stronger foothold among politically and socioeconomically marginalized groups in Tunisia.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 22 - 24 Feb 2017

The Role of Think Tanks Today

EUMEF study tour, February 22-24, 2017, Berlin

A study tour of foreign policy think tanks organized by the EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) at the DGAP brought together 17 mid-level experts from the MENA region and Europe, all of whom had previously participated in one or more EUMEF policy workshops or scenario workshops. The program was undertaken in close cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

18:00 - 20:00 | 20 Feb 2017

Human Rights in Iran

Subordinated to a Successful Realpolitik

The conclusion of the Iran nuclear treaty in July 2015 and its entry into force the following January had a significant impact on both German and European politics vis-à-vis Iran and with regard to media coverage of the Islamic Republic. Human rights issues have shifted out of focus in favor of economic interests. What is the reality of the human rights situation in Iran, and what effect does the conclusion of the treaty have on the country? What does it mean for German and European foreign policy toward Iran? These were some of the questions of an expert panel discussion organized by the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa program in cooperation with the Middle East and International Affairs Research Group (MEIA).

Program Event
09:00 | 01 - 03 Dec 2016

Rome Med 2016: Mediterranean Dialogues

Beyond Turmoil: A Positive Agenda

ROME MED: MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUES is an annual high-level initiative organized by the Italian foreign ministry and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. In 2016, the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa Program, together with Chatham House, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the European University Institute, and Bruegel served as the six partners of ISPI to realize different policy forums during the MED conference.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 01 - 03 Dec 2016

Rome Med Konferenz 2016: Mediterranean Dialogues

Beyond Turmoil: A Positive Agenda

Die ROME MED: MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUES sind eine jährliche Initiative des italienischen Außenministeriums und des italienischen Institute for International Political Studies. In diesem Jahr war das Programm Naher Osten und Nordafrika der DGAP gemeinsam mit Chatham House, dem European Council on Foreign Relations, dem French Institute of Foreign Relations, dem European University Institut und Bruegel einer von sechs Partnern des ISPI, die während der MED-Konferenz politische Foren anboten.

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