The program on France/Franco-German relations focuses on French foreign and European policy, as well as its impact on Europe as a whole. Special attention is paid to the role of Franco-German relations. Emphasis is also placed on French domestic politics and how they influence other European countries.
Relations between Germany and France in the context of European policy are of particular interest. Consequently, the program aims to identify options for Franco-German cooperation in the EU and sees itself as a mediator between German and French perspectives and positions on issues of European policy. Several times each year, the program organizes expert meetings of its regular discussion groups on France and Franco-German relations.
Key topics:
- The French position in European, foreign and security policy
- Franco-German relations and implementation of the Aachen Treaty
- Franco-German cross-border cooperation
- Franco-German parliamentary diplomacy (Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly)
When Pictures Make Politics
Finding new symbols for tackling the German-French past
Europa und die NATO
Wie sich die Zusammenarbeit in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik verbessern lässt
Es ist an der Zeit zusammenzuarbeiten
Deutschland, Frankreich und die Türkei sollten ihre Rivalitäten überwinden. Gemeinsame Aufgaben gibt es genug
Zwischen Führung und Frust: Frankreichs Europapolitik
Die Skepsis der Franzosen gegenüber der EU wächst, die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Pariser Regierung schwinden
Erneuerbare ohne Aufwind
Bisher gehört Frankreich bei der Entwicklung regenerativer Energien zu den Nachzüglern – das soll sich nun ändern
Power Struggle in Tunisia
Islamists and secularists wrestle over the new constitution while citizens protest political violence