
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

Trump’s Reshuffling of US Foreign Aid Endangers Internet Freedom

Why Germany and Europe Must Step into Shaping a New Digital World Order

The open internet and digital rights are being challenged more fundamentally than ever before. This time, however, the challenges are not coming from China or Russia but from the United States, which for years was considered a key player in promoting internet freedom. Donald Trump’s unprecedented suspension of US foreign aid to civil society threatens to strengthen state surveillance and censorship worldwide. This could affect Germany, too, if China and Russia expand their spheres of influence using digital technologies. The German government and its allies must not leave the digital future to authoritarian regimes. 

Alena Epifanova

Media Center

In the media


Past events

12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Jun 2016

Germany’s Role in the World

A Presentation of the Pew Research Center's poll of public opinion and foreign policy in Europe

European partners disagree about how to respond to Europe’s current political challenges, to say nothing of the challenges facing its neighboring countries. The Pew Research Center’s newly published survey “Europeans Face the Word Divided” gives insight into how divided European citizens are in their views concerning the role of their governments and the European Union in the world. A few days before the Brexit referendum, Bruce Stokes gave an exclusive presentation of the report at the DGAP.

Program Event
12:00 - 14:00 | 28 Apr 2016

Jenseits der Symbolpolitik

Wie soll eine effektive deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der Afrikapolitik aussehen?

Bei ihrer Reise nach Mali und Niger demonstrieren die deutschen und französischen Außenminister Steinmeier und Ayrault eine gemeinsame Linie in ihrer Politik gegenüber der Sahelzone. Doch besitzt die Zusammenarbeit in Bezug auf Afrika auch jenseits solcher Auftritte genügend Substanz? Hierüber diskutierten Christophe Boisbouvier, Journalist für Radio France Internationale, und Prof. Stefan Brüne, Associate Fellow im Programm Frankreich/deutsch-französische Beziehungen der DGAP unter anderem mit ehemaligen Teilnehmern des Deutsch-französischen Zukunftsdialogs.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
12:30 - 14:00 | 07 Mar 2016

US Security Policy and its Repercussions on NATO

Where is the Alliance‘s Lead-nation Heading?

The debate focused on the new security situation in Europe. Challenges on both the eastern and southern flank of NATO were addressed. Burden sharing and US defense expenditure were other issues that were debated during the event.

Think Tank Event

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