Middle East & North Africa


Recent publications

Building Energy Institutions in a Conflict Zone

Interventions by International Organisations in Afghanistan

How do international development organisations develop institutional capacity in conflict zones? Here we take a descriptive, topological perspective on the question, using the case of Afghanistan. For twenty years prior to the capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021 the international community directed substantial resources to Afghanistan, seeking to build a democratic state. Here we examine selected, energy-related aspects of those institution-building processes, taking the country as a case study of institutional development for energy and other transitions that is explicitly driven by particular values. We find that this institutional development can be categorized in terms of three main themes: development of a regulatory framework for the energy sector; privatisation of energy systems; and women's empowerment in terms of knowledge, skills and engagement in energy sector provisioning. 

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
External Publications

Will Ships be Sent?

Germany’s Options for Naval Intervention in the Strait of Hormuz

Dr. Christian Mölling
Torben Schütz
Carlo Masala
Policy Brief

In the media


Past events

09:00 | 19 - 22 Jun 2014

Migration aus und nach Nordafrika

21. New Faces Konferenz zum Thema „Moving People – Implications of Migration for Societies and States in North Africa”

Zwanzig junge europäische und nordafrikanische Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft diskutierten in Tunis bei der 21. New Faces Konferenz des EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) der DGAP die Auswirkungen von Migration und Mobilität auf Staat, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft in Nordafrika. Die Konferenz wurde in Kooperation mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung, dem Auswärtigen Amt, dem Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen und dem Centre de Tunis pour la Migration et l’Asile durchgeführt.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
15:30 - 19:00 | 25 Apr 2014

Sudan and South Sudan: Two Countries, One System?

The threat of interstate war seems contained. Yet intrastate violence increases, and spreads across borders.

Three years after South Sudan’s peaceful secession, an internal power struggle has turned into a wildfire. Meanwhile, armed conflicts in Sudan continue. A joint symposium by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and Media in Cooperation and Transition (MICT) analyzed the situation and discussed policy recommendations.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Mar 2014

Is Self-Restraint Enough?

The Future of U.S. Policy in the Middle East

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
11:00 - 13:00 | 20 Feb 2014

Engaging with Difficult Partners: The EU’s Iran Approach

Brussels Briefing with Marietje Schaake, Bernd Erbel, and Cornelius Adebahr

After years of sanctions and deadlocked talks, the January 2014 launch of an interim nuclear agreement between Iran and the E3/EU+3 promises to improve relations. But a deal that would satisfy the international community’s concerns over Iran’s nuclear program and at the same time allow the country to shed its pariah status is by no means guaranteed. At the DGAP, Marietje Schaake, Bernd Erbel, and Cornelius Adebahr discussed the EU’s Iran approach and the prospect of reaching long-term agreement.

Program Event

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