European Union


Recent publications

The End of the Zeitenwende

Reflections After Two Years of Action Group Zeitenwende

This personal assessment challenges whether Germany's Zeitenwende has achieved its goals. While it reflects the author's views, not necessarily the view of all members of DGAP's Action Group Zeitenwende, the debate continues. In the coming weeks, DGAP’s magazine Internationale Politik Quarterly will invite more experts to explore whether Germany’s Zeitenwende has failed or what it needs to succeed.

Dr. Benjamin Tallis
Online Commentary

Demokratie unter Beschuss

Die EU muss Resilienz nach innen und außen zeigen.
Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess
Policy Brief


COVID-19 und die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen
Jacob Ross
Externe Publikationen

Rule of Law Diplomacy

Why the EU Needs to Become More Vocal in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine
Dr. Laura Gelhaus
Pavel Havlíček
Dr. Stefan Meister
Policy Brief


Past events

16:00 - 19:15 | 22 Apr 2013

The EU as a Power for Peace: Strengthening Mediation Skills

An expert workshop examines Europe’s and Germany’s roles in brokering peace

Promoting peace and preventing conflict are at the very heart of the European project. At the workshop, mediation experts discussed with German and European delegates, representatives from the European External Action Service (EEAS), and national diplomats the strengths and weaknesses of existing tools and the current allocation of tasks. Also on the agenda: ways of improving the EU’s mediating capacity, for example through the establishment of a European Institute for Peace.

Program Event
11:00 - 13:00 | 18 Apr 2013

The EU’s Normative Power: The Case of Israel

Sharon Pardo and Krassimir Nikolov discuss whether EU foreign policy can shape values and norms in Israel

Europe strives to conduct a foreign policy based on values. Its norms are intended to have an impact around the world – and reach its immediate neighbors in particular. But how successful is Europe as a normative power? This was the subject of the recent Brussels Briefing in which Sharon Pardo, who holds the Jean-Monnet Chair for European Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, talked to Krassimer Nikolov, desk officer on Isreal at the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Program Event
11:00 - 13:00 | 27 Feb 2013

The EU as Crisis Manager: Between Expectations and Reality

Brussels Briefing with Pieter Feith and Claudia Major

The European Union’s common security and defense policy remains incomplete; only slowly is the EU becoming a strategic actor. Pieter Feith, international crisis management expert, and Claudia Major, deputy head of the research division for international security policy at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), discussed the current standstill on the establishment of a robust security and defense policy.

Program Event
16:30 - 18:00 | 25 Feb 2013

„Wenn wir wollten, könnten wir so stark sein“

Martin Schulz, Präsident des Europa-Parlaments, beklagt fehlenden politischen Willen für eine starke EU-Außenpolitik

In Michael Endes berühmtem Kinderbuch „Jim Knopf“ gibt es den Scheinriesen Tur Tur: Je weiter man sich von ihm entfernt, desto größer wirkt er. Nähert man sich ihm, mutet er klein und unscheinbar an. „Genauso kommt mir die EU vor“, sagte Martin Schulz bei seiner Rede zur europäischen Außenpolitik in Berlin. Vor den Mitgliedern von DGAP und Atlantik-Brücke zeichnete der Europa-Parlamentarier seine Vision einer starken EU-Außenpolitik – und erläuterte, warum die Realität ganz anders aussieht.

Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft
10:00 | 14 - 17 Feb 2013

“Europe needs Turkey’s dynamism.”

Conference of the Fellowship Program Carl Friedrich Goerdeler-Kolleg for Good Governance in Istanbul

Turkey’s EU membership would not only be an advantage for Turkey – Brussels, too, would gain, emphasized Turkey’s Minister for European Union Affairs Egemen Bağış at the alumni and interim seminar of the Goerdeler-Kolleg in Istanbul. In addition to EU accession, Turkish foreign policy, administration reform, and development plans for Istanbul’s infrastructure were discussed.

Think Tank Event

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