

Recent publications

Deutschland muss Exportkontrollen strategischer gestalten

Zwischen Systemwettbewerb und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

Exportkontrollen bleiben ein integraler Bestandteil der außenpolitischen Strategie der USA im Systemwettbewerb mit China. Deutschland als enger transatlantischer Partner wird zunehmend Druck verspüren, der Linie der USA mit immer strikteren Kontrollen bei Halbleitern, KI und Supercomputern zu folgen. Auch wenn sich die Bundesregierung ihren Partnern in Washington nicht in jeder Hinsicht anschließen muss, sollte sie aus eigenem strategischem Interesse bei besonders sensiblen Spitzentechnologien die Kontrollen mitgestalten und ihre europäischen Verbündeten mitnehmen. 

Filip Medunić

The False Promise of Open RAN

Why Open RAN Does Not Solve the “5G China challenge”
Dr. Tim Rühlig
Jan-Peter Kleinhans
External Publications

Ukraine erhöht Reichweite

Russland muss schwere Schläge hinnehmen
Dr. Christian Mölling
Dr. András Rácz
Online Kommentar

A Well-Calculated Move

Ukraine’s Missile Attack Against Russia’s Saki Military Airport
Dr. András Rácz
Online Commentary

Ukrainische Gegenoffensive

Russland muss seine Truppen neu formieren
Dr. Christian Mölling
Dr. András Rácz
Online Kommentar


Past events

09:00 | 26 - 29 Jun 2016


Das TRAIN Alumni-Seminar 2016

Wie denkt die Europäische Kommission über den Westbalkan? Mit welchen Erwartungshaltungen und Herausforderungen sieht sie sich konfrontiert? Das diesjährige Alumni-Seminar des TRAIN-Programms ermöglichte den Teilnehmenden, in die Schuhe von EU-Kommissaren zu schlüpfen und so eine neue Perspektive auf den Beitrittsprozess zu gewinnen.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 26 - 29 Jun 2016

The 2016 TRAIN Alumni Seminar

Alumni step into the EU Commission’s shoes for a change of perspective

What does the European Commission think about the Western Balkans? What are their expectations, and what challenges have to be faced? The TRAIN Programme’s 2016 Alumni Seminar enabled its participants to slip into the shoes of EU commissioners and gain a new perspective on the EU accession process.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 26 - 29 Jun 2016

2016 TRAIN Programme’s Mid-Term Seminar in Berlin

Fostering policy dialogue on fundamental rights

How can fundamental rights be protected in EU candidate countries and in countries that are potential accession candidates? From June 21 to 25, TRAIN Programme participants addressed this question at the program’s midterm seminar in Berlin. The session provided the twelve think tank representatives from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia with the opportunity to discuss their draft policy papers and meet with relevant actors from the German policy scene.

Program Event
08:30 - 10:00 | 24 Jun 2016

Brexit: What Next?

First Reactions to Britain’s EU Referendum

On the morning of June 24, experts met at the DGAP to ponder the triumph of the Brexiteers and discuss the referendum’s extraordinary impact on Europe, the UK, and the world: longtime MEP Elmar Brok; Sarah Raine of the International Institute for Strategic Studies; Nicolai Ondarza of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs; Philip Oltermann of the Guardian's Berlin bureau; and the DGAP's Jana Puglierin. Click below to hear an audio file of their discussion

Think Tank Event
Early Bird Breakfast
09:30 - 11:30 | 23 Jun 2016

Between Debt Burden and Refugee Crisis

How will Greece and the EU move forward?

Greece has become the EU’s Achilles heel. While its shattering debt crisis is familiar to all, the fact that Greece for some time has been the EU point of entry for mounting numbers of refugees from the Middle East has gone largely unnoticed. Manuel Sarrazin, Nick Malkoutzis, and Yiannis Mouzakis discussed the country’s political and social situation in light of the debt crisis and its other economic and social problems. And they discussed the path toward fiscal and economic recovery.

Think Tank Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Jun 2016

Germany’s Role in the World

A Presentation of the Pew Research Center's poll of public opinion and foreign policy in Europe

European partners disagree about how to respond to Europe’s current political challenges, to say nothing of the challenges facing its neighboring countries. The Pew Research Center’s newly published survey “Europeans Face the Word Divided” gives insight into how divided European citizens are in their views concerning the role of their governments and the European Union in the world. A few days before the Brexit referendum, Bruce Stokes gave an exclusive presentation of the report at the DGAP.

Program Event

Further Topics & Regions