

Recent publications

EU Trade Policy Must Focus on Market Openness and New Partnerships

Trade is the most important pillar of the EU’s dealings with third countries. To maintain this, the EU must refocus its trade policy on openness and partnerships. The new Commission needs to engage on all outstanding FTAs and consider pragmatic mini deals. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the EU needs to keep the United States as a partner and offer it potential opportunities. On a multilateral level, the WTO should be kept alive, focusing on trust building while advancing plurilateral deals. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker

EU Trade Policy Reform

Levelling the Playing Field in a New Geo-Economic Environment
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner

In the media


Past events

09:30 - 16:30 | 17 Nov 2011

Konflikt und Kooperation

Internationale Expertenkonferenz in der DGAP zur Politik Russlands und der EU im postsowjetischen Raum

Durch den russischen Vorschlag einer „Eurasischen Union“ erhält die Integrationskonkurrenz zwischen Russland und der EU im postsowjetischen Raum neue Dynamik. Moskau versucht die politische und ökonomische Krise der EU zu nutzen, um seinen Einfluss auszubauen. Welche Integrationsperspektiven bieten sich der Region? Wie groß sind die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Russland, der EU und den Nachbarn? Wo lauern Konflikte? Mit diesen Fragen befasste sich eine internationale Expertenkonferenz in der DGAP.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:30 - 16:30 | 17 Nov 2011

Conflict and Cooperation

International Expert Conference at the DGAP on Russian and EU policy in the post-Soviet space

Russia’s proposal for a “Eurasian Union” has given a new dynamic to the competition between Russia and the EU to integrate the post-Soviet space. Moscow is trying to use the EU’s political and economic crisis to expand its influence. Which prospects for integration are realistic in the post-Soviet region? Are there common interests between Russia, the EU, and their shared neighbors? Where do differences emerge? These questions were discussed at an international expert conference held at the DGAP

Program Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 15 Nov 2011

Georgia on course for growth

Prime minister Gilauri talks about his country’s economic development

The reforms implemented by president Saakashvili after the “Rose Revolution” were decisive for Georgia’s positive political and economic development. In his speech „Georgia – economic success in a difficult and dynamic area” on November 15th in the German Council on Foreign Relations the Georgian prime minister Nikoloz Gilauri especially emphasized the success in fighting corruption and the liberalization of the Georgian economy.

Council Event
18:00 - 19:15 | 10 Nov 2011

Ambassador’s Matinee: Italy

Resign of Berlusconi, imminent national bankruptcy, crisis of government: Italy is currently facing a crucial time.

An interim government determined to carry out reforms consequently could change tack. Italy’s small business owners and the largely privatized banks will certainly facilitate the new start of the economy. These were the most important statements made by the participants of “Ambassador’s Matinee”, a cooperation of the German Council on Foreign Relations with Inforadio Berlin-Brandenburg, on November 10th.

Council Event
17:00 - 18:15 | 08 Nov 2011

„Albania belongs to Europe”

Lecture of the Albanian Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Edmond Haxhinasto

Albania is on the way to a better future. More regional cooperation and the admission of the Southeast European countries to the EU could permanently stabilize the Balkans. Albania feels like being a part of Europe, but the way to integratiion is hampered by the political situation of the country. These were the most important conclusions made by Edmond Haxhinasto during his speech „Albania, the Western Balkans and the EU“ on November 8th, 2011, at the DGAP.

Council Event
14:30 - 16:30 | 08 Nov 2011

Den Atomausstieg europäisch denken

Deutschlands Energiewende aus deutsch-französischer Perspektive

Unter dem Eindruck der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima beschreiten Frankreich und Deutschland energiepolitisch zwei völlig unterschiedliche Wege. Wie lassen sich diese unterschiedlichen Ansätze erklären? Was bedeuten sie für Unternehmen in beiden Ländern? Wie sieht die Zukunft der europäischen Energiepolitik aus? Der Atomausstieg Deutschlands und seine Auswirkungen auf die deutsche und französische Wirtschaft waren Thema einer Sitzung des Gesprächskreises Frankreich.

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