Ambassador’s Matinee: Italy

Resign of Berlusconi, imminent national bankruptcy, crisis of government: Italy is currently facing a crucial time.

10 November 2011
Event location
DGAP, Germany
Invitation type
Members only



„Berlusconi has always presented himself as a reformer und was successful by this because the Italian population has been longing for change. However, the fact that he broke his promises turned out to his doom today,” the Italian Ambassador Michele Valensise said. The head of government was first und foremost interested in serving his clientele, preserving his power and following his personal interests, added Roman Maruhn, expert on Italy of the Goethe-Institute Palermo. „This has nothing to do with good governance“. Italy’s current problems are though preceding Berlusconi’s inauguration, the expert continued. Especially the overloaded apparatus of the state with too many and too well-paid civil servants has caused immense costs. The inefficient fiscal system is a further problem. „ Many people in Italy do not declare their complete income, and nobody controls their indications. Therefore, evading taxes is very simple“, said Susanne Schüssler, director of “Wagenbach Verlag”, a publishing company specialized on Italian literature.

The necessary reforms leading Italy out of crisis can be only carried out by a new government in the long run , the Italian Ambassador continued. In his view, there are two possibilities for setting up a new government: An interim government based on an overwhelming majority, referring to the currently planned „Government of National Unity“ led by Mario Monti, or immediate new elections. “New elections, however, would paralyze the country for weeks and we simply can’t afford this at the moment,“ Valensise said. „We have to implement the austerity packages and reforms demanded by EU now and at all costs, in our own interest“. In addition, Schüssler emphasized that the future government and parliament are going to need new staff in order to carry out the reforms professionally.

In the Ambassador’s opinion, Italy has good premises to overcome the crisis and develop a healthy political system. Some oft the most urgent demands such as an administrative reform have already been enacted by the government. In addition, the largely privatized banks will not burden the exchequer. Moreover, according to Valensise, the Italian economy has achieved an increase in exports during the last years. Finally, there are numerous successful small businesses in Northern Italy which could contribute to an economic recovery.  

The “Ambassdor’s Matinee” is a cooperation of the German Council on Foreign Relations with Inforadio Berlin-Brandenburg which takes place every second month. It will be broadcasted on November 13nd 2011 at 11 a.m. on Inforadio. 


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