Eastern Europe


Recent publications

A Political Landslide in Hungary Challenges Orbán’s Regime and the EU

Viktor Orbán, expecting a far-right surge, previously framed the recent European Parliament election as a “revolutionary moment for Brussels.” Instead, it turned out to be a revolutionary moment against him at home. The new Tisza party of Péter Magyar, a former ruling party appointee, practically eradicated the traditional opposition forces in Hungary and weakened Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz. This has consequences not only for the country’s domestic politics but also its role in the EU.

Dr. András Rácz


Past events

18:00 - 20:00 | 27 Nov 2017

Russia and the West

A Security Dilemma in a Multipolar World

Opposing narratives about the constitution of the geopolitical order cause a communication and security dilemma between Russia and the West, international foreign-policy experts said during a public panel discussion in Berlin. The discussion was the last of a series of meetings of the „Strategy Group Russia/Eastern Partnership“, hosted by the DGAP’s Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. The evening’s key question was what a short- and long-term modus vivendi toward Russia could look like.

Think Tank Event

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