Eastern Europe


Recent publications

Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine: Wer Frieden will, muss Voraussetzungen dafür schaffen

Die neue Bundesregierung sollte eine echte sicherheitspolitische Zeitenwende vollziehen und in die Voraussetzungen für einen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine investieren. Dazu zählt sowohl die Stärkung der eigenen Verteidigungs- und Abschreckungsfähigkeit als auch der Verhandlungsposition der Ukraine – durch die Planung langfristiger militärischer sowie finanzieller Ausstattung und die Beteiligung an Sicherheitsgarantien. Die neue Bundesregierung sollte zudem dafür einstehen, dass ein Waffenstillstand nur mit der Rückkehr zu einer regelbasierten Ordnung und Einhaltung internationalen Rechts einhergehen kann. Deutschland wird nicht zuletzt mit Blick auf eine zweite Amtszeit Donald Trumps mehr Verantwortung für die Unterstützung der Ukraine übernehmen müssen. 

Dr. Stefan Meister

In the media


Past events

14:00 | 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016

The Human Factor

A conference on demographic change and political economy in the Russian Federation

Demographic decline will have a significant impact on Russia’s economy, society, and security situation in the mid and long term. Russian leaders are failing, however, to establish adequate policy responses in the areas of migration, the labor market, education, and health. An academic conference in Berlin with Jack Goldstone and other distinguished experts addressed the consequences of demographic change in Russia.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 27 May 2016

How Should the West Deal with Russia?

Book presentation by the DGAP's Robert Bosch Center and SAIS’s Center for Transatlantic Relations

Russia is emerging as a revisionist power, putting the European security order into question. The West has not yet found a consistent way of responding to Russia’s new policy and is facing a credibility crisis. A new book assembles suggestions for solutions from an international group of foreign affairs policy experts and scholars.

Program Event
09:49 - {09}:{49} | 26 May 2016

Ukraine: A Captured State?

How to Put the Country Back onto the Path to Reform

Fundamental changes have been underway in Ukraine since the Maidan Revolution of 2013–14, but intransigence in the administration and self-serving interests of economic and political elites impede the progress of reform. Stronger pressure from civil society and external actors such as the EU and the US could help foster a transition to genuine democracy. The conference held on May 26 in Berlin devoted particular attention to the current state of reforms and their prospects of success.

Program Event
09:00 - 10:30 | 03 May 2016

Russkiy Mir: "Russian World"

On the genesis of a geopolitical concept and its effects on Ukraine

How is the concept of "Russkiy Mir" (Russian World) influencing the search for national identity in present-day Russia? To what extent will it continue to shape Russian foreign policy in the near future? What role does the concept play in Ukraine? Is it dictating Russia’s policy toward that country? A conversation with the Ukraine expert DGAP’s Wilfried Jilge.

Think Tank Event
18:00 - 19:30 | 19 Apr 2016

Why Do We Need Ukraine?

DGAP event explores what Ukraine’s democratic transformation means for the EU – and for Russia

As of April 2016, Ukraine’s new prime minister is Volodymyr Groysman, a former speaker of the parliament. His appointment followed the resignation of reform-minded ministers, a government crisis that lasted several weeks, and months of political stalemate. It was over two years ago that demonstrators on Kiev’s Maidan called passionately in their “Revolution of Dignity” for reform and for their country to set a pro-European course. Can the new government put Ukraine back on that path?

Think Tank Event

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