Clashing Ambitions over the Future of Syria?

The views from Ankara and Moscow

05 November 2013
Ort der Veranstaltung
DGAP, Deutschland
Nur für geladene Gäste


Joint event by The Alfred von Oppenheim Centre for European Policy Studies of the DGAP and the journal INTERNATIONALE POLITIK

Experts Discussion

Russia has long been a major player in the Syrian Civil War. Moscow is one of the last – and most important - supporters of the Assad regime. Furthermore, with its initiative to have Syria's arsenal of chemical weapons destroyed, Moscow has shown remarkable diplomatic ambitions that might point to an even greater challenge: a Middle East without WMDs.

In contrast, Turkey was an early supporter of Syrian rebel forces, allowing them to seek refuge on Turkish territory and providing shelter for more than half a million Syrian refugees by now. US President Obama's decision to postpone a military attack in favor of a Russian diplomatic initiative did not sit well with the Turkish government.

Are Turkey's and Russia's interests clashing over Syria’s future? What are the consequences of such a clash for Syria and the region? Does Russia have the stamina to push until Syria's WMD arsenal has been completely eradicated? With its policy of "zero problems with the neighbors" having developed into "zero neighbors without problems" - what will be Turkey's role in the region?


Paul Quinn-Judge
Program Director, Europe and Central Asia
International Crisis Group

Hugh Pope
Director, Turkey/Cyprus Project
International Crisis Group          

The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Sylke Tempel, Editor-in-Chief of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK.


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