Die Expert:innen des DGAP-Forschungsinstituts fassen ihre Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen zu diversen Themen der Außenpolitik in einer Vielzahl an Publikationen zusammen. Diese erfolgen in vier verschiedenen Formaten – Policy Briefs, Memos, Analysen und Berichten – und können im Folgenden kostenfrei abgerufen werden. Viel Spaß bei der Lektüre!
Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine
Auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigeren Weltwirtschaft
Die NATO wird 75 und muss liefern
The AI Election Year
Trump-Proofing Europe
On the Wrong Track
The German government has straightjacketed itself by a return to the “debt brake,” pursuing a stringent fiscal policy at a time when the country is trying to fight its way of out a recession. Two of three ruling parties think the approach is wrongheaded.
The Case for an EU-US Economic Security Alliance
Despite much goodwill on both sides, trade and economic relations between the United States and Europe have remained strained. Working together to collectively improve transatlantic geoeconomic security would offer a way forward.
How Feminist Foreign Policy Can Help Overcome Outdated Dichotomies
Germany has a long—and flawed—history of debating whether values or interests should take precedence in foreign policy decision-making. Feminist foreign policy could provide an impetus to leave this behind.