Evaluating Germany’s Readiness for Global Geo-Economic Leadership

Young DGAP MSC Side Event
17 Februar 2024
Ort der Veranstaltung
Amerikahaus, Karolinenplatz 3, 80333 München, Deutschland


JDGAP Side Event Global Geo-Economic Leadership

The current geopolitical and geo-economic landscape is tense and poses challenges for the German government and its allies. Key issues include de-risking and the consequences of globalization for world trade. Security and economic resilience are also playing an increasingly important role. This raises the question of whether Germany is ready to assume strategic leadership as a global geo-economic player.

At our official MSC2024 side event, we will address this topic with renowned experts and political decision-makers. Together, we will analyze Germany’s perspectives in view of current developments and determine whether and how it can proactively shape the future as a leading geo-economic player.


Ricarda Lang, Member of the Bundestag, Federal Chair of Germany’s Green Party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 

Antje Gerstein, Managing Director for European Policy/Sustainability, German Retail Federation (HDE)

Stormy-Annika Mildner, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Germany

Guntram Wolff, Director, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Moderator: Maximilian Keller, Chair, Young DGAP

Please register here.

Young DGAP Event
Core Expertise topic