

Aktuelle Publikationen

A Political Landslide in Hungary Challenges Orbán’s Regime and the EU

Viktor Orbán, expecting a far-right surge, previously framed the recent European Parliament election as a “revolutionary moment for Brussels.” Instead, it turned out to be a revolutionary moment against him at home. The new Tisza party of Péter Magyar, a former ruling party appointee, practically eradicated the traditional opposition forces in Hungary and weakened Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz. This has consequences not only for the country’s domestic politics but also its role in the EU.

Dr. András Rácz

Die Krim bleibt ein Eskalationsherd

Nachdem Russland der Ukraine Anschläge auf der Krim vorwarf, will es seine Militärpräsenz auf der Halbinsel ausweiten

Wilfried Jilge
Online Kommentar

Twilight of the Putin Era?

Chapter Eight of of The Eastern Question Russia, the West, and Europe’s Grey Zone, a DGAP co-publication

Donald Jensen
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