

Aktuelle Publikationen

Toward an Indo-German Green Strategic Partnership

Aligning Partnership Agreements with Foreign Policy Goals

Energy and climate partnerships between India and Germany are approaching a 20-year mark. Now, both countries are adopting green ­technologies and scaling up mitigation efforts more ambitiously, in line with global climate targets – including the goal to triple renewable ­energy capacities. In this policy brief, we look at the bilateral partnerships on climate change mitigation, assess how they align with the two countries’ foreign policy priorities and what a future partnership landscape could look like.

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
Promit Mookherjee
Dr. Kira Vinke
et al.
Policy Brief

Asia in the Eyes of Europe

Images of a Rising Giant

Dr. Sebastian Bersick
Michael Bruter
Natalia Chaban
et al.

Asiens Aufstieg aus europäischer Sicht

DGAP-Länderstudie empfiehlt neue Initiativen zur Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit

Dr. Sebastian Bersick
Michael Bruter
Natalia Chaban
et al.

Der Gipfel in Seoul

Nach der Einigung zur IWF-Reform stehen weitere wichtige Entscheidungen auf der Agenda der G20

Dr. Claudia Schmucker
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