The Robert Bosch Center was a DGAP program that offered applied and independent research, expert seminars, and policy-oriented publications on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia from January 2017 to February 2021. It served as an important platform for debate about the target region for those working in the areas of policy, business, academia, and civil society.
Russia and the West: What Went Wrong and Can We Do Better?
Chapter Four of The Eastern Question Russia, the West, and Europe’s Grey Zone, a DGAP co-publication
Voices from Ukrainian Civil Society
Audio interviews with Roman Romanov, Orysia Lutsevych, and Nataliia Shapoval
Ukraine, Russia and the EU
Breaking the deadlock in the Minsk process
The Roots and Instruments of Russia's Information Campaign
Isolation and Propaganda
The Ukraine conflict and the crisis with Russia will not go away if the EU eases or lifts the sanctions
Judy Dempsey asks Stefan Meister and other experts: Is Europe Wobbling Over Sanctions on Russia?
Russia’s Putin and Putin’s Russia: How They Work and What We Should Expect
Chapter Three of The Eastern Question Russia, the West, and Europe’s Grey Zone, a DGAP co-publication
In the media
Past events
Einfluss durch Investitionen
Aktuelle Studie zum wirtschaftlichen Engagement der Volksrepublik China in Mitteleuropa vorgestellt
Georgia on the Way to the Western Community of Values
Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze speaks at the DGAP on the new Georgian government’s foreign policy agenda
The Reform Process in Eastern Europe and Eastern Partnership Policy of the EU
Kleines Land in der großen Welt
Aktuelle Leitlinien der tschechischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik - Sitzung des Gesprächskreises Tschechien
Moldova Leads the Way in the Eastern Partnership
The second EU-Moldova Forum at the DGAP featured members of government and EU Commissar Stefan Füle
Wo endet Europa? EU-Ostpolitik zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz
Abschlusskonferenz des Carl Friedrich Goerdeler-Kollegs für Good Governance 2012