The Center for Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and Technology addresses the challenges that result from intensifying great power competition between the United States and China and Russia’s war against Ukraine, focusing on the areas of economics, trade, finance, energy, and tech.
Main Topics:
- How can Europe reduce its economic and technological dependencies on China – not least if conflict over Taiwan escalates?
- How can Europe enhance its sovereignty in cybersecurity, the information space, and digital strategy?
- Which strategies should Europe pursue in trade policy to remain a global player?
- Which scenarios can ensure the reconstruction of Ukraine in the short, medium, and long term?
- What are the implications of Russia’s war on Ukraine for the green energy transition in Europe?
- How can the EU establish a competitive green economy in the face of industrial policies in other parts of the world?
- How should strategic relationships with major emerging economies of the Global South such as India and Brazil be forged in the face of increasing global fragmentation?
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