DGAP’s Center for Climate and Foreign Policy assesses the societal and geoeconomic impacts of climate change. The interdisciplinary team builds on scientific findings to develop policy recommendations for a coherent German foreign policy at the interface of climate security and human security.
Main Topics:
- Relevance of climate change for German security policy
- Coherence in response to the climate crisis given the interrelationship between the domestic and foreign policy dimensions of climate policy
- Consequences of climate migration and displacement worldwide
- Geoeconomic dimensions of the climate crisis: German climate and energy policy and international climate diplomacy
- Role of civilian crisis prevention in hindering the escalation of resource conflicts
- International legal dimensions of the climate crisis
Read more
Automotive Geopolitics
How Germany Can Respond to China
Building Energy Institutions in a Conflict Zone
Interventions by International Organisations in Afghanistan
Toward an Indo-German Green Strategic Partnership
Aligning Partnership Agreements with Foreign Policy Goals
Media Center
Ökozid: Wegen Umweltzerstörung vor Gericht?
In the media
Past events
17:30 - 19:30 | 21 Nov 2022
Climate Security After COP27
Navigating Intersecting Crises in a New Era of Risk
09:00 - 14:00 | 25 Oct 2022
Die Klimaaußenpolitik-Strategie der Bundesregierung
Auftaktveranstaltung zum Dialogprozess
18:00 - 19:30 | 18 Oct 2022
The Role for Migration in Climate Foreign Policy
Panel discussion on climate-induced mobility in the run-up to COP27
18:00 - 19:30 | 24 Aug 2022
Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach [Nachholtermin]
„Summer in the City“: Klimakrise, Hitzestress und Gesundheitsfolgen in Städten weltweit
18:30 - 20:00 | 11 May 2022
European Green Deal – die EU-Nachhaltigkeitsagenda auf dem Prüfstand
Ökonomische, gesellschaftliche und außenpolitische Perspektiven
18:30 - 20:00 | 10 May 2022