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DGAP’s program on the Americas is a knowledge hub for German politicians, businesspeople, academics, and media on social, economic, and domestic factors related to US foreign policy. We cooperate with renowned US institutions and think tanks such as Johns Hopkins University, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Atlantic Council, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Over many years, we have also built close relationships with networks and influential circles among Democrats and Republicans. Thanks to this access to powerful insiders in the US government and its collaboration with German and international partners, DGAP operates a US strategy group that enriches the transatlantic debate and is valued by a wide range of experts – from government officials to opinion leaders in industry and civil society.

Our aim is to counteract misinterpretations of how political decisions are made on both sides to reduce tensions on the transatlantic relationship. Grappling with today’s world order necessitates a comprehensive understanding of transatlantic relations that includes Latin America and Canada.

Key topics:

  • Social, economic, and domestic factors that will determine the future of US foreign policy
  • US foreign policy and economic interests
  • Involvement of Europe’s trading partners in Latin America, the US, and Canada in the geo-economic strategies and policies of Germany and Europe.
  • Strategies to maintain a rules-based world order



Stronger Together

A Strategy to Revitalize Transatlantic Power
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook
Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer
Dr. Christian Mölling
et al.

US 2020 Presidential Election

Expectations and Analysis from DGAP Experts
Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer
Martin Bialecki
Dr. Josef Braml
et al.
Online Commentary

In the media


Past events

18:00 - 19:30 | 15 Jun 2015

Geheimdienstkooperation zwischen BND und NSA

Skandal oder Notwendigkeit?

Die BND/NSA-Affäre bringt die Bundesregierung in Bedrängnis. Teile der deutschen Öffentlichkeit stellen eine Geheimdienstkooperation zwischen den USA und Deutschland gar gänzlich in Frage. Die deutsche Debatte könnte nicht nur die Kooperation zwischen Geheimdiensten, sondern auch das transatlantische Verhältnis belasten. Doch wurde überhaupt ein Rechtsbruch begangen? Wo muss man Grenzen ziehen und wie kann man eine demokratische Kontrolle gewährleisten?

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:30 - 11:30 | 08 May 2015

Ordnungsvorstellungen im Konflikt

Der Antagonismus Russlands und der Einsatz für die freiheitliche Gesellschaft

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:00 - 16:30 | 22 Apr 2015

Lehrstunde Afghanistan

Wie kann multilaterale und ressortübergreifende Kooperation im Krisenmanagement gedacht, geplant und durchgeführt werden?

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:30 | 21 Apr 2015

Defense Strategy on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Defining a coherent and future-oriented defense strategy is a challenging task for decision makers on both sides of the Atlantic. A model being applied in the United States is the concept of “net assessment” as an approach to grand strategy. But what exactly are the theoretical concept and the methods behind net assessment, and how can it be implemented? What role does strategic coordination with international partners play in that process? Is there a similar approach in Germany? Where has net assessment set or influenced the strategic agenda? What are concrete examples of its multi-disciplinary approach?

Program Event
09:00 - 16:00 | 14 Apr 2015

New Enemies, New Alliances?

The impact and potential of the international coalition against ISIS

What impact will the US-led coalition against ISIS have on the Middle East? The interests of the coalition participants are sometimes at odds. Who is taking part and why? Do they share other goals apart from fighting ISIS? Could this become a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran? Should NATO be involved? These were some of the questions addressed during a day-long workshop organized by the DGAP’s Transatlantic Relations program.

Program Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 03 Mar 2015

Zur europäischen Sicherheit in der Ukrainekrise

Vortrag von General Ben Hodges, Kommandeur US Army Europe

Die europäische Sicherheit schlägt nicht nur in Europa politisch hohe Wellen, sondern auch in den USA, wie die Krise der Ukraine und der sich damit befassende NATO-Gipfel 2014 zeigen. Um die Beschlüsse von Wales zu implementieren, setzen die USA unter anderem auf zusätzliche Militärausrüstung, multinationale Manöver und die Ausbildung ukrainischer Streitkräfte.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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