
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

NATO at 75: Time to Deliver on Its Promises

What Has to Happen at the Washington Summit

NATO heads of state and government will meet in Washington on July 11, 2024 to mark the Alliance’s 75th anniversary. Not only will the leaders have to elect a new secretary-general, the anniversary will take place in the midst of an explosive global situation. As the war in Ukraine continues, the prospect of a second presidential term for ­Donald Trump also worries the Alliance. In order to strengthen NATO’s ability to defend its members in this time of multiple crises, leaders need to advance seven specific topics. Making headway on these could make the summit historic.

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp

A Well-Calculated Move

Ukraine’s Missile Attack Against Russia’s Saki Military Airport
Dr. András Rácz
Online Commentary

Ukrainische Gegenoffensive

Russland muss seine Truppen neu formieren
Dr. Christian Mölling
Dr. András Rácz
Online Kommentar


Past events

18:30 - 20:00 | 07 Mar 2017

Audio File: Moldova, the EU and the Struggle for Reforms

How Should the Eastern Partnership be Adjusted?

Moldova, the former frontrunner of European rapprochement, has become a main concern. Vested interests and deep-rooted corruption are the main obstacle to substantial reforms in the country’s political, social and economic spheres. The new president, Igor Dodon, even questions the effectiveness of the Association Agreement with the EU signed in 2016. He openly argues for the alternative: joining the Russia-sponsored Eurasian Union.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Feb 2017

The Trump Administration, Europe, and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Audio file of Alexander Vershbow in discussion with Olaf Böhnke, Stefan Meister, and Daniela Schwarzer

Former US ambassador Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow discussing security issues with Olaf Böhnke of Rasmussen Global and the DGAP’s Stefan Meister and Daniela Schwarzer, followed by an audio interview in our podcast series Perspectives.

Program Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 26 Jan 2017

Militärische Einsätze

Was erwartet die Bundeswehr in Zukunft?

Auftakt der Gesprächsreihe „Militärische Einsätze & Rüstungsprojekte“ – mit GenLt Dieter Warnecke, Abteilungsleiter Strategie und Einsatz, BMVg

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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