Middle East & North Africa


Recent publications

Building Energy Institutions in a Conflict Zone

Interventions by International Organisations in Afghanistan

How do international development organisations develop institutional capacity in conflict zones? Here we take a descriptive, topological perspective on the question, using the case of Afghanistan. For twenty years prior to the capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021 the international community directed substantial resources to Afghanistan, seeking to build a democratic state. Here we examine selected, energy-related aspects of those institution-building processes, taking the country as a case study of institutional development for energy and other transitions that is explicitly driven by particular values. We find that this institutional development can be categorized in terms of three main themes: development of a regulatory framework for the energy sector; privatisation of energy systems; and women's empowerment in terms of knowledge, skills and engagement in energy sector provisioning. 

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
External Publications

The Siege Mentality

How Fear of Migration Explains the EU’s Approach to Libya
Dr. Roderick Parkes
External Publications

In the media


Past events

09:00 | 22 - 24 Feb 2017

The Role of Think Tanks Today

EUMEF study tour, February 22-24, 2017, Berlin

A study tour of foreign policy think tanks organized by the EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) at the DGAP brought together 17 mid-level experts from the MENA region and Europe, all of whom had previously participated in one or more EUMEF policy workshops or scenario workshops. The program was undertaken in close cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

18:00 - 20:00 | 20 Feb 2017

Human Rights in Iran

Subordinated to a Successful Realpolitik

The conclusion of the Iran nuclear treaty in July 2015 and its entry into force the following January had a significant impact on both German and European politics vis-à-vis Iran and with regard to media coverage of the Islamic Republic. Human rights issues have shifted out of focus in favor of economic interests. What is the reality of the human rights situation in Iran, and what effect does the conclusion of the treaty have on the country? What does it mean for German and European foreign policy toward Iran? These were some of the questions of an expert panel discussion organized by the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa program in cooperation with the Middle East and International Affairs Research Group (MEIA).

Program Event
14:00 - 16:00 | 15 Feb 2017

Unstable Libya: Options for the EU

Brussels Briefing with Lorenzo Kluzer, Roderich Kiesewetter, and Wolfram Lacher

At their Malta summit in early February, EU heads of state and government adopted a 10-point plan – the Malta Declaration – to address the Central Mediterranean refugee route. They agreed to intensify cooperation with the Libyan authorities, even as domestic struggles for power continue to rack the North African country. A panel of experts discussed possible options for the EU to help establish stability in Libya and the wider region.

Program Event

Further Topics & Regions