

Recent publications

Germany and Europe Can Boost Security by Reforming Capital Markets

Poorly developed capital markets in Germany and across the European Union (EU) hurt European security. Reforming them can foster economic dynamism, reduce harmful dependencies, and enhance Europe’s military edge. If German and EU politicians took a strategic view, they would clearly see the need to overcome fragmentation in the financial sector, increase risk appetite, incentivize private investment in innovation, and optimize regulation to meet economic and security needs. 

Julian Stöckle
Policy Brief


COVID-19 und die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen
Jacob Ross
Externe Publikationen

Weapons of Mass Debate

Germany’s Unease Around Nuclear Deterrence
Dr. Claudia Major
Dr. Christian Mölling
External Publications


Past events

11:00 - 13:00 | 27 Feb 2013

The EU as Crisis Manager: Between Expectations and Reality

Brussels Briefing with Pieter Feith and Claudia Major

The European Union’s common security and defense policy remains incomplete; only slowly is the EU becoming a strategic actor. Pieter Feith, international crisis management expert, and Claudia Major, deputy head of the research division for international security policy at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), discussed the current standstill on the establishment of a robust security and defense policy.

Program Event
10:00 | 14 - 17 Feb 2013

“Europe needs Turkey’s dynamism.”

Conference of the Fellowship Program Carl Friedrich Goerdeler-Kolleg for Good Governance in Istanbul

Turkey’s EU membership would not only be an advantage for Turkey – Brussels, too, would gain, emphasized Turkey’s Minister for European Union Affairs Egemen Bağış at the alumni and interim seminar of the Goerdeler-Kolleg in Istanbul. In addition to EU accession, Turkish foreign policy, administration reform, and development plans for Istanbul’s infrastructure were discussed.

Think Tank Event
12:00 - 14:00 | 11 Feb 2013

“Gridlock is not an Option”

Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe, on the reinvigoration of the Turkish-European relations

The perspective of an EU-accession for Turkey has receded far into the distance: Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe, presented his proposal to reinvigorate Turkish-European relations at a DGAP “Brussels Briefing.” With Almut Möller, head of the Oppenheim-Centre for European Policy Studies, he discussed new forms of flexible integration – not as an alternative but as a complement.

Program Event
13:30 - 15:00 | 05 Feb 2013

“We Need Brave Europeans!”

Pier Luigi Bersani, General Secretary of the Partito Democratico, speaks at the DGAP about the Opportunities that the EU offers Italy

In late February Italians go to the polls. Pier Luigi Bersani, the center-left candidate has good chances to become Italy's next leader. In Berlin, he talked about Italy's problems and his plans as Prime Minister. He stressed that the economic crisis can only be overcome through deeper integration and member state solidarity.

Council Event
09:00 | 17 - 18 Jan 2013

„Ziel der Aufklärung ist Versöhnung“

Erinnerungskultur und politische Bildung – das Diplomatenkolleg in Berlin und Hessen

Neben Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Kriminalitätsbekämpfung standen vor allem Fragen der Erinnerungskultur und der politischen Bildung im Mittelpunkt. In Berlin und Hessen trafen die Teilnehmer des 8. Diplomatenkollegs mit Vertretern von Stiftungen und Institutionen zusammen.

Think Tank Veranstaltung

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