

Recent publications

Transformation am Scheideweg – Was in den USA zur Wahl steht und wie es Europa betrifft

Kamala Harris und Donald Trump bieten ihren Wählerinnen und Wählern sehr unterschiedliche Zukunftsvisionen für die industrielle Entwicklung Amerikas an. Unter dem Motto „Außenpolitik für die Mittelschicht“ weitete die Biden-Administration Schutzzölle gegenüber China aus und punktete damit im ­industriellen Herz des Landes. Durch das Investitionspaket des „Inflation Reduction Act“ vollzog Biden in den USA eine klimapolitische Kehrtwende, verbunden mit der Fortsetzung protektionistischer Wirtschaftspolitik seines Vorgängers. Eine zweite Amtszeit Trumps hätte jedoch noch schwerwiegendere ­Folgen für Standorte in Deutschland und Europa.  

Dr. Kira Vinke
Friedrich Opitz

Stunde der Wahrheit

Die deutsch-französische Kooperation braucht dringend Erfolgsmeldungen
Jacob Ross
Kenny Kremer

In the media


Past events

12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Mar 2017

Banking Sector Reform in Ukraine

Valeria Gontareva, governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, spoke on March 29 at the DGAP about the current progress of reform in the Ukrainian banking sector and the challenges ahead.

Think Tank Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 07 Mar 2017

Audio File: Moldova, the EU and the Struggle for Reforms

How Should the Eastern Partnership be Adjusted?

Moldova, the former frontrunner of European rapprochement, has become a main concern. Vested interests and deep-rooted corruption are the main obstacle to substantial reforms in the country’s political, social and economic spheres. The new president, Igor Dodon, even questions the effectiveness of the Association Agreement with the EU signed in 2016. He openly argues for the alternative: joining the Russia-sponsored Eurasian Union.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Feb 2017

The Trump Administration, Europe, and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Audio file of Alexander Vershbow in discussion with Olaf Böhnke, Stefan Meister, and Daniela Schwarzer

Former US ambassador Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow discussing security issues with Olaf Böhnke of Rasmussen Global and the DGAP’s Stefan Meister and Daniela Schwarzer, followed by an audio interview in our podcast series Perspectives.

Program Event
14:00 - 16:00 | 10 Nov 2016

EU-Turkey Relations after the Coup

Brussels Briefing with Asli Aydintaşbaş, Andreas Nick, Patrick Paquet, and Günter Seufert

On November 9, the European Commission published its 2016 Progress Report on the status of the enlargement process with Turkey, including an assessment of the country’s process of political reform. The next day Patrick Paquet presented the report results at the DGAP and discussed with panelists the state of EU-Turkey relations in light of the developments after July’s attempted military coup in Turkey, the EU-Turkey Agreement on Refugees, and Turkey’s role as regional actor.

Think Tank Event

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