

Recent publications

EU Trade Policy Must Focus on Market Openness and New Partnerships

Trade is the most important pillar of the EU’s dealings with third countries. To maintain this, the EU must refocus its trade policy on openness and partnerships. The new Commission needs to engage on all outstanding FTAs and consider pragmatic mini deals. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the EU needs to keep the United States as a partner and offer it potential opportunities. On a multilateral level, the WTO should be kept alive, focusing on trust building while advancing plurilateral deals. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker

In the media


Past events

18:00 - 19:15 | 28 Jul 2011

Ambassador’s Matinee: Ireland

The hope is green, as the saying goes. However, the population of the Green Island has given up hope in the recent years. The heavy burden of debts is striking, and the frustration of the Irishmen that they have to pay for irresponsible credits and failed financial politics has become tremendous. What are the reasons for the economic slowdown of Ireland? Which political and social effects does the crisis have on the country?

Council Event
16:46 - {16}:{46} | 13 Jul 2011

Deutsch-Französischer Erfahrungsaustausch

Zweites Jahresseminar des Deutsch-französischen Zukunftsdialogs

Lässt sich das französische Parteiensystem ein Jahr vor der Präsidentschaftswahl mit der deutschen Parteienlandschaft vergleichen? Welche Debatten führen Deutschland und Frankreich im Vorfeld der anstehenden EU-Agrarreform und angesichts der Krise der europäischen Gemeinschaftswährung? Und ist in beiden Ländern gleichermaßen das Phänomen einer schwindenden Mittelschicht zu beobachten?

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
08:30 - 10:30 | 06 Jul 2011

Where will Europe obtain gas in the future?

The Russia-EU energy relationship on trial

The liberalization package adopted by the European Commission was the focus of the third Energy Breakfast, which was organized by the Berthold Beitz Center and Gazprom Export on July 6, 2011.

Program Event
Early Bird Breakfast
08:30 - 10:00 | 06 Jul 2011

Greece can still be saved

Foreign minister Stavros Lambrinidis solicits confidence

Hardly in office for two weeks, the new Greek foreign minister Stavros Lambrinidis came to Berlin on July 6, 2011 to speak at the DGAP about the causes of the current crisis and to appeal for European solidarity. Greece had barely avoided bankruptcy a few days before when eurozone finance ministers gave the OK for a transfer of a much-needed loan installment of 8.7 billion euros to Athens.

Council Event
Early Bird Breakfast
09:00 | 21 - 26 Jun 2011

Erfahrungsaustausch in Estland

4. Alumnitreffen des Diplomatenkollegs

„Ich bin ein Talliner“ – mit diesen Worten brachte ein Teilnehmer des 4. Alumnitreffens des Diplomatenkollegs, das vom 21. bis 26. Juni in Tallinn stattfand, seine Eindrücke der Reise auf den Punkt. Während des Treffens lernten sich die Kollegiatinnen und Kollegiaten aus den verschiedenen Jahrgängen nicht nur kennen und tauschten Erfahrungen aus – auch hat sich Estland als ein facettenreiches, herzliches und wirtschaftlich fortschrittliches Land präsentiert.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
18:00 - 21:00 | 15 Jun 2011

The 6th Diplomatenkolleg has come to an end

On June 15, 2011 the 6th Diplomatenkolleg concluded with a closing ceremony. Offering opening remarks to an audience of 90 guests, Patricia Flor, the Deputy Director General responsible for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia from the Federal Foreign Office; Ingrid Hamm, the Executive Director of the Robert Bosch Stiftung; and Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn, the Executive Vice-President of the German Council on Foreign Relations, stressed the special strength of the Diplomatenkolleg as a private-public partnership

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