Eastern Europe


Recent publications

A Political Landslide in Hungary Challenges Orbán’s Regime and the EU

Viktor Orbán, expecting a far-right surge, previously framed the recent European Parliament election as a “revolutionary moment for Brussels.” Instead, it turned out to be a revolutionary moment against him at home. The new Tisza party of Péter Magyar, a former ruling party appointee, practically eradicated the traditional opposition forces in Hungary and weakened Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz. This has consequences not only for the country’s domestic politics but also its role in the EU.

Dr. András Rácz

Schwere Waffen für Kiew

Wie der Westen die Ukraine jetzt aufrüsten sollte
Dr. Claudia Major
Dr. Christian Mölling
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Niederlage in Kiew

Die russische Armee ist nicht unbesiegbar
Dr. Christian Mölling
Dr. András Rácz
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Past events

15:00 - 16:30 | 05 Feb 2015

Regionale Sicherheit in Osteuropa: Perspektiven aus Belarus

Expertengespräch mit Wladimir Makey

Die Republik Belarus nimmt im Zuge der anhaltenden Krise in der Ukraine eine wichtige Brückenfunktion ein. Bestrebt, die Beziehungen zur Europäischen Union zu normalisieren und gleichzeitig die Einbindung in die regionalen Strukturen der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion voranzutreiben, diente Minsk in der jüngeren Vergangenheit mehrfach als Verhandlungsplattform zwischen Vertretern der OSZE, Russlands, der Ukraine sowie der Separatisten in Lugansk und Donezk.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
16:30 - 18:00 | 30 Jan 2015

We are Fighting for Ukraine

Vitali Klitschko, mayor of Kiev and former boxing champion, pleads for greater German and European support for Ukraine

“As an athlete, I know that you can’t win without a fight. We are fighting for our country,” Vitali Klitschko told a group of 230 guests at the DGAP on January 30. Ukraine needs to intensify its orientation toward Europe. It needs European expertise, technology, good practices, and above all, financial support. So Kiev’s current mayor and head of the pro-European, anti-corruption party Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR) is lobbying for more support from the EU and from Germany.

Council Event
17:00 - 18:30 | 06 Nov 2014

Threats to Europe's Security Architecture

Address by H.E. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia

President Toomas Hendrik Ilves was unequivocal in his speech at the DGAP in stating that the events in Ukraine have fundamentally shaken European security.

Council Event

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