The Americas


Recent publications

The US Presidential Election 2024 – Two Outcomes, One Set of Challenges

Germany as Europe’s leading economy and the host country to the majority of US legacy military installations on the Continent, continues to lag behind ­NATO’s eastern flank allies when it comes to rearmament. Berlin’s long-term relations with Washington, as well as its overall ability to influence the direction of Europe’s evolution and the future of NATO will ultimately depend on how it responds to the challenge of rearmament. 

Dr. Andrew A. Michta


Past events

11:00 - 12:30 | 09 Nov 2016

Podcast: First Reactions to the 2016 US Presidential Election

Where will a Trump presidency take America and transatlantic relations?

US Ambassador to Germany John B. Emerson and German Minister of Agriculture Christian Schmidt came to the DGAP the morning after the US elections to give their first impressions of the outcome. How did Trump triumph? How will he position himself on domestic and foreign policy agendas? How will President Trump differ from Candidate Trump? The speakers were joined by Daniela Schwarzer, the new director of the DGAP's Research Institute, and Josef Braml and Henning Riecke of the USA/ transatlantic relations program.

Program Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 01 Nov 2016

Which President, Which America?

What the Election Campaign Reveals About the US Political System

Jürgen Trittin, Daniela Schwarzer, James D. Bindenagel and Josef Braml offered their perspectives at a panel discussion hosted by DGAP and Inforadio (rbb).

Think Tank Event

Further Topics & Regions