
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

How Europe Should Deal with Trump’s Oligarch-in-Chief


As Donald Trump takes office again, tech billionaire Elon Musk will go from speaking for six companies to speaking for a $27 trillion economy. In response, Europe needs to concentrate on accumulating tech power.

Dr. Valentin Weber
Quarterly Concerns
Creation date

Prohibited Force

The Meaning of ‘Use of Force' in International Law
Dr. Erin Pobjie
Externe Publikationen

Forschungsnation China

Partner, Wettbewerber und systemischer Rivale
Michael Laha
Externe Publikationen