Iran and the Risk of Conflict or Confrontation in the Gulf

Diskussion mit Anthony H. Cordesman, Henning Riecke und Karsten D. Voigt

27 September 2012
Event location
DGAP, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


Iran’s nuclear programs cannot be separated from its build up of asymmetric forces and missile systems. This explains why Iran has answered tougher sanctions with threats to close the Gulf, and why the Arab Gulf states are so concerned with Iran’s actions. At the same time, these shifts in the military balance help explain why Israeli threats of preventive strikes could trigger a broader conflict affecting the flow of world petroleum exports.

The result is a continuing Iranian military build up, an even larger military build up by the GCC states, growing Israeli preparations for preventive strikes and a restructuring of the US presence in the Gulf. These aspects are coupled with US concerns that there are limits to how long the US can rely on diplomacy. For a presentation we are pleased to welcome:


Dr. Anthony H. Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy,
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)


Dr. Henning Riecke
Head of Program, Transatlantic Relations Program,
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

The discussion will be held in English and will be moderated by Karsten D. Voigt.


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