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In this first of a two-part series, Ben and Aaron take a look at the current dysfunction in what German foreign policy elites often refer to as the country’s most important bilateral relationship – and the “motor” through which Europe either moves or stalls. Guests Jacob Ross and Sylvie Kauffmann talk about the history of the relationship – and how generational shifts in France are seeing the Franco-German pair increasingly at odds over Europe’s future – particularly around future prospects for Ukraine and the role of Central and Eastern Europe.
Former Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Action Group Zeitenwende
- Sylvie Kauffman, Foreign Affairs Columnist, Le Monde and Author of Blindsided: How Berlin and Paris Left the Path Open to Russia (@SylvieKauffman)
- Jacob Ross, Research Fellow, DGAP (@j_2ross)
- Nicolas Tenzer, Chair, Centre d'étude & de réflexion pour l'Action politique (@NTenzer)
- Closing speech by the President of the French Republic, Globesec, 31 May 2023
- Germany and France hold unprecedented cabinet retreat to oil creaky EU motor, Sarah Marsh and Andreas Rinke
- Les aveuglés: Comment Berlin et Paris ont laissé la voie libre à la Russie (in French), Sylvie Kauffmann
- A New Foundation for Franco-German Friendship, Jacob Ross & Kenny Kremer, IPQ
- The Trouble, the Noise, and the Message: Do the Allies Want to Win the War?, Nicolas Tenzer
- Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism, Peo Hansen & Stefan Jonsson, Bloomsbury (2014)
- Emmanuel Macron sur la voie du neo-idealisme (in French), Tomas Gomart, IFRI
- L’ere du Neo-idealisme (in rench), Benjamin Tallis, Le Grand Continent
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Former Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Action Group Zeitenwende