Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Week Seven

The Military Situation and Refugee Inflows to Ukraine’s Western Neighbors
07 April 2022
Ort der Veranstaltung


DGAP Morning Briefing No 7 Visual
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine enters its seventh week amid well-documented reports of massive war crimes committed by the Russian forces against civilians and calls for an EU embargo on energy imports from Russia.

We will assess the military situation on the ground in Ukraine, the high-profile visit of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to Kyiv, and the conditions in neighboring countries that have been at the forefront of providing shelter to Ukrainians fleeing the war. We will discuss Poland, through which some 2.5 million refugees – more than half of the total number – have already fled Ukraine. We will also look at Moldova, a small country through which nearly 400,000 Ukrainian citizens have fled with about a quarter remaining there. How are these countries coping with the influx so far and what forms of assistance do they need from their EU partners and Western allies?


Dr. András Rácz Senior Associate Fellow, Security and Defense Program, DGAP

Dr. Stanislav Secrieru Senior Analyst, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)

Dr. Jolanta Szymańska Expert on Migration; Head of EU Program, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

Moderator: Dr. Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Internationale Politik Quarterly

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