Think Tank Lab Community Workshop:

Lessons from the Pilot Phase and Co-creating the Think Tank Lab’s Agenda for 2022

26 Januar 2022
Ort der Veranstaltung


In 2021, we founded the Think Tank Lab to support the co-creative advancement of the German think tank community. It fosters the exchange of good practices and collaboration among think tanks, offers trainings for think tankers, and crowdsources innovative new approaches to policy analysis and policy advice.
As we enter 2022, we would like to share what we have learned in the Think Tank Lab’s pilot phase and what we are planning for the new year. Please join us for this interactive community workshop to discuss the challenges and opportunities that think tanks are facing and, together, determine which topics should be on top of the Think Tank Lab’s agenda in 2022.
For any questions, please contact the Think Tank Lab team ( You will find information related to data processing at

Think Tank Event